Club Information
Rotary Club of La Conner

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Mondays at 5:30 p.m.
Shawn O'Donnell's Farmhouse Restaurant
11376 LaConner-Whitney Rd
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
United States of America
Everyone is Welcome
5:30 - Set-Up, Social, Meal
6:00 - Formal Meeting
Note: 3rd Monday of the month is devoted to club business (Committee Reports & Boards), and maybe via Zoom. All members are invited to attend.
The Latest News from the "Make it Happen" Club
At our final meeting of the year Ollie had this blessing to offer:
As we are near to the end of 2024, I feel it is time to say a few blessings and I will start by blessing this food and drink we have in front of us and bless those who make and serve it.
Our amazing club does so much, and a few thoughts come to mind. Bless the pancake flipper and all of her workers at our Santa Breakfast. And bless Santa, who sits and talks with the kids during that breakfast and again at the Gilkey Christmas tree lighting. Throughout the year we have so many wonderful projects, so let’s bless the folks who buy, wrap and distribute the kid’s food for the weekends. And also bless those who buy and wrap and deliver Christmas presents for families in need. Bless those who distribute dictionaries and books to the school kids. And bless those who plan and work on our annual auction and tulip sales. And bless all of our Rotarians who work on the Yes Program and bless our people who travel and work in Honduras.  This list goes on and on and what I am saying is not even close to being complete.
Bless you all for what you do and may we do it again next year, maybe even better. We really are the “Happening Club” and it shows, bless you all.
Oh, and a special remembrance for President Jimmy Carter who passed at age 100.
Tate Ohl submitted her membership application.
Lyanne Gronning gave her classification talk. She is third generation Washingtonian growing up in the Arlington area. Her father worked in tjhe lumbar industry and her mother was a postal worker. She has one brother who tried out for the NFL but didn't make a team. Sports has been a large part of her and her family's life. For awhile her mother held the title in Marysville for shot put and Lyanne came up second. Lyanne loves football.
Travel is another big part of her life starting with two trips to Japan while in high school. For awhile she studied Japanese thinking it would lead to a career. She has hosted 18 foreign exchange students through Rotary. She has belonged to two other Rotary clubs in the past and her daughter helped start the interact club in Arlington.
Her career started as a nanny for a family in NYC who had an 11 year old foster child. Her contacts there led to a part time job in computers just as internet got launched. This led to other opportunities and started in banking at Merril Lynch and eventually ended up in mortgages. She was briefly married and had a daughter in that time frame. After the divorce she moved back to WA and continued her career in mortgages and became a loan officer. Her dream job was to be the director of the Boys and Girls Club which she had been a part of in some fashion since high school. Then Covid hit and all that changed. She got remarried three years ago and moved to Skagit county. She presently is back in the computer world working with automated response systems for medical services.
Audrey shared our club goals. We have 15 goals and have met 8 of those goals half way through the year. Membership wise we have a goal of 29 members and are at 27. We have a goal of two new sponsored members and we are at 1. Leadership participation: we have not yet met district conference or assembly participation goals because those haven't yet occurred. We have a goal of 5 members participating in leadership trainings and so far 4 have. We have had 3/3 social events and met the goal with 22 members participating in a service porject. We have not yet recorded three service projects with RI because they are not yet completed. Online presence, use of Rotary materials, news articles, etc has been met. We have met out goal of donations to RI foundation but not yet to Polio Plus.
Patsy was presented her Paul Harris 2+ virtually.
At our December 23, 2024 Rotary Club of La Conner Meeting Christi King led a discussion about membership.
Some of the discussion is given below.   See also excerpts from Christi's slides in Read More at bottom.
We need new members.
An issue at the Tiny Trees event was they couldn't find our logo and used our website banner with bridge vs Rotary Wheel.   When we pay to sponsor or we volunteer, we need to make sure they have the right logo.
Adam is creating QR codes, e.g., QR code at Maple Hall.
How do we find who we should invite to the meeting?
Skagit Herald (presuming La Conner Weekly dies)
Talk with Rotaract folks
Where and what does Rotaract post on social media?
Doug:   The Chamber of Commerce claimed they can't give us the address list.
Doug said he was refused after saying he was with La Conner Rotary and that we were members.
There are no more Chamber of Commerce meetings.
Many types of people we could invite: school district, Police, Fire, Township?
John:  Who do we invite?   Look at prior classifications:
City Hall
Retail community
Every current member shares the responsibility to find speakers and find new members.
Doug:   Who is our “competition”?
PEO - women
Soroptimist - women
We previously joined with others in La Conner United.
Challenge - young people with families.
Audrey encourages her son (every other week - when he doesn't have kids)
Marty - More Adam’s age bracket and the newly retired.
Christi shared many ideas out of the membership committee.
Refresh of Farmers & Merchants -- we all bring guests.
Good program for Farmers & Merchants.
Help others understand what Rotary is and what it does.
Ice cream social with the Chamber of Commerce (where Keith joined)
Talk about their club and mission 
5th Monday socials and field trips
Marty - pick a project
traffic circle
food packing
Partner with other clubs.
Lyanne is a proponent of fireside chats to do something social to meet new members.
Do more with the 4th of July parade, not just a sign.
Have a Tulip parade float with info about/pics about what we’re doing.
How do we go to town hall and share what we do?
Doug -- Ollie and Marty walk the town to invite for Farmers and Merchants (F&M).
Can they promote Rotary as they do the invites?
Platform to simplify registration.   We have that for the auction.
Invite people who come to visit and F&M invitees to become members.
At the end of F&M, thank them and invite them to come to a meeting.
Most recent member, Lyanne, was referred to us due to the meeting time and location.
Tate is considering membership due to her dad.
Audrey joined after being a speaker.
Danya joined because Audrey asked her.
Give new members a mentor and walk them through the perspective new member survey.
Christi has given it to Tate.
What is her passion?
2-hour conversation.
Into Natural arts, community, and schools.
We should use the RI and District tools for new members.
Discuss at the board meeting what two things to focus on to get new members.
Update the Rotary card and poster to be La Conner specific.
As a speaker, Christi got to sign a book for the Honduras library.
Danielle - Merchants at Garden Club
They want money and want us to join.
Doug: Thank-you night; we don't want your money.
Don - Chamber didn't know about F&M, so we didn’t get their email circulation. 
Can we get Tulip Sales on the Chamber of Commerce calendar (and LoveLaConner)?
The auction date on the District Calendar now.  Tulip sales on the District calendar.
F&M night -- ideas for speakers?
Save the date, etc. will go out last week of January.
John about SPARC:
Thanks for participating.
$2600 goal became over $3000.
3 single moms, 1 raised by grandparents, 1 Mother, SPARC kid, father and 2 kids.
Audrey’s closing remarks: 
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia
At our December 09, 2024 Meeting, Marty introduced Phil Cohen from Anacortes Food Coop.
Phil discussed the challenges faced when moving onto a property with incomplete construction left by the previous owners. This situation delayed his transfer from two to almost eleven months, resulting in significant product loss due to expiration. The property had issues with unpermitted pavement and other construction tasks that required permits, which the new owner had to address.
Phil, with a background in small government civil engineering, helped expedite the permit process, but it still took ten months to resolve. He mentioned the lack of ventilation and parking issues at his previous location, which hindered impulse shoppers.
Phil also shared information about his contributors and the high quality of local food. He expressed gratitude for being in an area with fresh produce and discussed his efforts to build a clientele. The presentation concluded with discussing the co-op in Anacortes and its contributions to the community. 

Rotary International Convention - Calgary

Karen introduced Sean Hogan, our guest speaker for the evening.
Sean Hogan joined Rotary on his 27th birthday and he's been active in the club,
district, and international levels of Rotary, including serving as district Governor in 2012-13.  Rotary has enriched Sean and his family, giving them friends, opportunities, and experiences around the world.  Sean is a lawyer, and people like him anyway.
Sean expressed his excitement about traveling and visiting Rotary clubs again, emphasizing the importance of fellowship and friendship within Rotary. He introduced the upcoming Rotary International Convention in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in June 2025, highlighting it as a unique opportunity for Rotarians to experience the global impact of Rotary.
Sean encouraged every Rotarian to attend at least one international convention to see the power of the organization and meet people from around the world. He shared his personal experiences attending conventions in various countries and described the diverse and friendly atmosphere.
Sean provided details on the convention, including registration, pricing, and housing options. He mentioned the House of Friendship, where attendees can explore Rotary projects, buy and sell items, and enjoy entertainment. The opening plenary session on Sunday and the closing session on Saturday were highlighted as key events featuring notable speakers and performers.
Overall, Sean emphasized the value of attending the convention for networking, learning, and experiencing Rotary on a global scale.
Sean recommended staying until Thursday after the Rotary International Convention in Calgary to fully enjoy the closing plenary on Wednesday afternoon and the local district get-together on Wednesday night. He highlighted Calgary as a great host city, known for its hospitality and events such as the Calgary Stampede.
Sean detailed various events organized by the Host Organizing Committee, including the grandstand spectacle on Saturday, the rock in the big tent event, and the indigenous celebration on Sunday. He also mentioned the host hospitality event and the beyond borders zone event on Monday night, as well as the Western Ranch showcase on Tuesday.
Sean encouraged attendees to interact with Rotarians from around the world, and shared personal experiences of meeting interesting people at past conventions. He emphasized the value of attending breakout sessions on various topics, and the opportunity to connect with fellow Rotarians.
Several attendees shared their positive experiences at previous Rotary conventions, highlighting the international flavor, networking opportunities, and the sense of community within Rotary. Sean concluded by encouraging everyone to consider attending the convention in Calgary.
Very enlightening and educational program!  Everyone was very engaged and had some great questions.


Farmers and Merchants Night has been scheduled on March 3rd.  Doug Moore is looking for speaker suggestions. Think about who might be a great speaker for our Farmers and Merchants Night, and let Doug know.
Dennis and Connie Milliken were awarded their Paul Harris Fellow +8 pins, which is a significant recognition. Audrey expressed excitement about pinning them, and acknowledged their generous contributions to the foundation.
We received a thank you card from Campfire Camp Kirby:
"Dear La Conner Rotary members,
Thank you for your donation to help us purchase climbing wall equipment for Camp Kirby. The climbing wall is one of our most popular activities. No kidding—you can rope up and climb! This equipment will help us ensure the safety of all our campers.
Thank you for your longstanding support of Camp Kirby and for all the great work you do in our communities. We are thankful for you.
Sincerely, Maris Rose Camp, Executive Director"


The email from Marty, Dec. 8, with the subject Nominations for 2025-26 was displayed on the screen.   No additional candidates came forward.
The email was the third announcement of officers, directors, and chairs for our Rotary year 2025-26.
Club board:
President: Marty
President elect: Lori
Vice president: John
Past president: Audrey
Treasurer: Don
Secretary: Connie
Club service director: Karen
Community service director: Patsy
Youth service director: Adam
Vocation/literacy service director: Doug
International service director: Danielle
Keith made a motion to elect all the candidates.  Adam seconded.   No objections, all ayes.  The motion carried.

We held our holiday party, arranged by Cathy Squires  at Max Dale's on Dec 16.   
See more photos below.
At our Dec. 23, 2024 meeting the inspiration was provided by John Milnor:

Christmas Time
Christmas time is many things, to many people;
It's a time to share with family & friends the good times and events of the closing year, often with
pictures or newsletters;
Christmas week is often time to begin planning for the New Year and coming events;
December is a time of Christmas parties, including events with friends & family and/or public galas
and musical performances;
For most of us it is a time of buying gifts to exchange with family & friends;
Some of us, take time to shop for those who are less fortunate;
Christmas time is a time to prepare delicious meals & cookies for parties and events;
It is also a time to donate food & cash to people & organizations, in need of food assistance;
For those who can carry a tune, it is a time for sign-a-longs;
For the rest of us, it is a time to enjoy a tune or two on radios, home theaters or community
Christmas is a time to rejoice in our good fortune & dream of our hopes for the future;
For many, it is a time of Christian celebration;
For me, I'm happy with yule log fire, a couple of presents & a glass of eggnog, in a quiet family
Merry Christmas to all.
At our December 2, 2024 Rotary Meeting.
Karen introduced our guest speaker for the evening, former club member Carol Johnson, speaking on Avoiding Scams. Carol was born and raised in Billings, Montana, and attended Montana State University. She became an X-ray technician and moved to Denver, Colorado, to work at a children's hospital. Later, she returned to Montana and started an estate liquidation business. Carol also earned her pilot's license and became a certified scuba diver. She and her husband traveled extensively and enjoyed cross-country skiing. After her husband's passing, Carol moved back to Skagit Valley to be near family and friends. She enjoys traveling, volunteering, and various fun activities.
Carol shared her experience of being scammed twice, emphasizing the emotional impact and prevalence of scams. She recounted receiving a fraudulent email about a TV purchase and another scam involving their LifeLock account. Despite being cautious, she fell victim to a scam that resulted in a significant financial loss.
Carol highlighted the emotional toll of being scammed, including feelings of embarrassment and depression. She stressed that scammers are professionals who exploit emotions and pressure their victims. Carol shared various types of scams, including investment, romance, and charity scams, and provided tips on recognizing and avoiding scams.
She also mentioned the importance of not giving out personal information, and being cautious with emails and phone calls. Carol concluded by encouraging everyone to protect themselves and stay informed about the latest scam tactics.
Carol provided several tips to avoid scams:
  • Caller ID and Unknown Numbers: Don't trust caller ID or answer calls from unknown numbers. Scammers often use these methods to fish for victims.
  • Emails and Links: Never click on links from unknown sources. Be cautious with emails, especially those from Gmail, as they can be scams.
  • Social Media: Be careful about sharing personal information on platforms such as Facebook, as scammers can use this information.
  • Pop-ups and Texts: Block unwanted pop-ups, calls, and texts. Monitor your mail with informed delivery from USPS.
  • Online Banking: Use strong, unique passwords with at least 15 characters, and enable two-factor authentication.
  • Odd Payment Methods: Be wary of payments via Zelle, Venmo, gift cards, or cryptocurrency, as these are often untraceable.
  • Credit Reports: Freeze your credit reports to prevent unauthorized actions, and monitor for any suspicious activity.
  • Door-to-Door Sales: Never sign contracts without checking the company's reputation. Be cautious of pest control companies and other services that may have hidden fees.
  • Reporting Scams: If scammed, report it to the authorities and relevant agencies. Keep evidence, and revise passwords on financial accounts.
Doug discussed the risks associated with QR codes, highlighting that scammers can place fake QR codes over legitimate ones at places like gas stations and restaurants. This can lead to unsuspecting users being directed to malicious websites.
Others shared personal anecdotes about scams, including an elderly customer at a bank who was almost scammed out of $10,000, and a family member who lost $30,000 to a scam involving a fake Mercedes Benz prize. These stories emphasized the importance of being vigilant and involved, especially with elderly relatives who can be easily targeted.
Carol, the speaker, provided stickers to remind people to be cautious about scams. The meeting concluded with a thank you to Carol for her bravery in sharing her experiences. The club acknowledged her contribution by asking her to sign a Spanish language book for a mobile library in Honduras, supporting children's education.
It was a very enlightening and educational program!  Everyone was very engaged and had some great questions.
Farmers and Merchants Night has been scheduled for March 3.
Audrey’s closing remarks:  Anglican preacher Henry Melvill said:
We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.
At our November 25, 2024, Rotary Club of La Conner - All Member Meeting.
The Braves Club gave us a whole packet of Thank you notes for the pumpkins.
Audrey pulled out just a few that she thought were kind of cool and cuter.
We are still looking for a club Vice President, who wishes to be President in 27-28 (and President Elect in 26-27). Please let Audrey know.   That would be serving as Vice President this coming year.  Several past Presidents described how rewarding it had been.
Audrey went through the club action plan by going through self-assessment results that she had collected the week prior to this meeting.
Scoring System:
  • The scoring system ranges from 1 to 4, with 1 indicating a need for significant improvement, 2 suggesting some improvement needed, 3 indicating satisfactory performance, and 4 representing excellent performance.
Areas of Focus:
  1. Increasing Impact:
    • Clear Goals and Responsibilities: The club has a plan with priorities reviewed annually, and members are familiar with and support these priorities.
    • Community Needs: Plans are shaped by community issues, with periodic assessments and input from community partners.
    • Continuity and Collaboration: A multi-year succession plan ensures collaboration and continuity, with clear role descriptions for key positions.
    • Enhanced Participation: Meetings, social events, and projects are well-organized, well-attended, and enjoyable, fostering participation and meaningful friendships.
    • Participant Input: Members are well-informed, enthusiastic, and engaged, with opportunities to bring their passions to the club.
Scoring Results:
  • The highest scores were in community collaboration and participant impact, reflecting the club's strong engagement and willingness to volunteer.
Club Engagement:
  • The club is noted for its high level of engagement, with members readily volunteering and participating in activities.
Expanding Our Reach:
  • Partnerships: The club scores highest in partnerships, benefiting from relationships with other service organizations, the school district, the library, and museums.
  • Growth: The club faces challenges in growth and needs to reflect the community better through its membership.
Enhancing Participant Engagement:
  • The club excels in participant engagement, with high scores in variety, fun, and caring. Members are active and make things happen.
Increasing Ability to Adapt:
  • Innovation: The club supports new ideas and continuous improvement through tools, templates, and resources.
  • Relevance: Activities evolve to suit the diverse membership and attract new members.
  • Awareness: Regular events and new ways to tell the club's story help build awareness.
  • Openness: The club reaches out to those who might not have seen Rotary as an opportunity.
Dynamic Integration:
  • Pursuing Excellence: The club focuses on excellent member experiences.
  • Focused Effort: Leaders are responsible for club service, public image, and member engagement.
  • Collaboration: Leaders work together to strengthen efforts.
  • Welcoming: The club is welcoming and has eliminated cliques and inappropriate behaviors.
Overall Score:
  • The club's total score is 74.33 out of 100, indicating a passing grade but with room for improvement.
Additional Comments:
  • Pronounce names correctly when visitors attend.
  • Consider ways to honor the nationality of Canadian visitors.
  • Evaluate if the Pledge of Allegiance is the best way to open meetings to attract a more diverse membership.
  • Discuss goals and progress at each board meeting.
  • Solicit community ideas for hands-on projects.
  • Perform visioning activities and fireside chats.
  • Mix up meetings with fun facts and celebrations to help members get to know each other.
  • Solicit more ideas from members who attend regularly but may not share their ideas.
  • The club is stable with its current meeting structure, projects, and fundraisers. However, introducing small changes can keep things fresh and meaningful for members. Suggestions include tours of local businesses, social activities, and involving members in finding speakers.
  • The club should visit other clubs to bring back ideas, meet with local nonprofits, and stay connected with the town council. Publicizing events and projects can encourage community participation, especially from tribal members.
  • The club can join community committees to solicit more members and ideas. Partnerships with the Chamber, fire and police departments, schools, libraries, merchants, farmers, and tribes can broaden engagement.
  • Members are open to new ideas and willing to share if asked. Understanding each member's interests can help attract more members and encourage participation. Mentorship for new members and structured orientation can aid learning.
  • A five-year strategic plan with regular discussions on progress is suggested. Soliciting ideas from members at least four times a year can ensure meaningful projects. Recognizing and thanking volunteers for their contributions is important.
  • The club should try new things, such as varying the meeting agenda, introducing district or international topics, and experimenting with new projects. Learning from other clubs' best practices can be beneficial.
  • Focusing on youth programs and listening to ideas from scholarship recipients and Rotaract members can attract the next generation. The membership committee should focus on awareness and holding events to attract new members.
  • Ensuring every member's passions are heard and aligning projects with their interests can enhance member experience. Encouraging committee participation and sharing good works at board meetings is essential.
  • Suggestions were made to enhance the greeter's role by having them announce who is logged in, perform sound checks, and monitor for raised hands during virtual meetings.
The club identified areas needing improvement, particularly in awareness and openness. These areas scored low and require attention to attract new members and build awareness of the club's work.
  • Emphasize that attracting new participants is everyone's responsibility. Club growth should be a regular agenda item at meetings.
  • The club needs to improve public visibility and celebrate member participation in community events. Members should report their activities to ensure recognition.
  • With the potential loss of local newspaper support, the club should explore other media, including social media platforms like TikTok, to reach a broader audience and attract younger members.
  • Suggestions included partnering with local organizations, creating attractions for children, and engaging parents of scholarship recipients. The club should consider installing benches or other amenities in local parks to increase visibility.
  • Members should use the RSVP form to report their participation in events. This helps the club recognize and celebrate their contributions.
Tribal and Community Engagement:
  • The club has made efforts to attract tribal members, but past incidents and political factors have posed challenges. Suggestions include finding new approaches to build relationships, such as partnership projects or volunteering in tribal communities.
  • Members discussed the importance of both personal invitations and public visibility in attracting new members. While personal invitations are effective, publicizing the club's work is also crucial.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance as a meeting opener was questioned for its potential exclusionary impact on non-American members. Alternatives like an inspiration or land acknowledgment were suggested to create a more inclusive environment.
  • Acknowledging the presence of diverse cultural and professional backgrounds is important. The club should explore ways to make meetings more welcoming for all members, including those from different cultural backgrounds.
  • The club should continue to publicize its events and projects, even as traditional media support wanes. Exploring new media platforms and engaging with local publications can help maintain visibility.
  • Incorporating land acknowledgments at meetings can honor the indigenous people of the area and create a more inclusive atmosphere. This should be done in partnership with local tribes.
  • The club should create a welcoming statement that embraces people from all countries and cultures. This can be included in meeting practices to ensure everyone feels included.
Focus Areas:
  • The club aims to improve in three key areas: growth mindset, awareness, and openness. Enhancing these areas could lead to significant overall improvements.
  • Members discussed barriers to growth, such as financial constraints (dues, weekly dinners, happy bucks, …) preventing some people from participating. Addressing these barriers is crucial for attracting and retaining members.
  • Members are encouraged to complete a survey attached to the invitation letter to provide more feedback. The survey results will help in long-range planning and identifying areas for improvement.
Thank You Note from MoNA:
  • The club received a thank you note from MoNA, acknowledging a generous donation of $750 in support of youth programs and the mission to preserve and interpret regional art. This highlights the club's positive impact on the community.
Rotaract and the Sedro-Woolley Eagles are having a fundraiser Saturday, December 14.
They're having an ugly sweater fundraiser.   There's going to be line dancing and karaoke. It's at the Sedro-Woolley Eagles Club on Metcalf Street in Sedro-Woolley. It's a donation of $10 to enter, and dinner is $12.  It's a family event, so come one, come all.
Happy Bucks allowed the club to share many happy and sad moments.
Dictionaries were distributed to all third graders.
The club president telling Santa her wish list and who in the club has been naughty and who has been nice.
At our Nov. 18 2024 Rotary Meeting,  our guest for the evening was our speaker Sara Young, executive director of Port of Skagit.
Sara gave us a brief history including how ports came about. The gold rush brought railroads to the area and everything was privately owned. Ports were created to have publicly owned/run centers of commerce such as railroad yards and water access. Port of Skagit started on a small piece of property in the area of Cosco. That was sold and developed. Anacortes had owned the property the airport is on. For awhile it was co-owned by Anacortes and Skagit county and is now owned by Skagit County. Port of Anacortes is the deep water port in Skagit county. After obtaining the airport land, it was decided to have a marina in La Conner which was built in the 1960s. Diversification of commerce is one of the goals of the Port which is why the Skagit regional airport and the surrounding lands were developed and there are expansion plans. Those plans include further building of commerce spaces and extending the runway. There is a US customs service there so international commerce jets can land there. The airport is a general aviation airport except for scheduled flights. Plans to redevelop the La Conner marina are being slowly developed with community input. The Swift Center which is 250 acres east of Sedro Woolley will be renovated and new buildings added. At present Job Corps is active out there.
Karen, Connie and Lori gave out dictionaries today to the third graders.
At our Nov. 11,  2024 Rotary Meeting,  Our guests for the evening were Jim and Sue White who were our presenters and Tate Ohl who works with MoNA.
Sue and Jim gave us a presentation about Skagit Bay Search and Rescue. They are 100% volunteer organization and cover the 125 square miles of water in Skagit county. They depart out of La Conner and Anacortes. They are activated by either the sheriff’s department or fire district 13. Their annual budget is $5000 which covers equipment and repairs and insurance. Anything needed outside of that, they do a separate fundraising campaign. There is extensive training to become a member and once a member there is addition training required. The training includes basic first aid and CPR, water-specific emergency procedures, boat navigation and learning the waters. They said with a life jacket, you have one minute to regain your breathing before drowning, 15 minutes while you can actively assist in your rescue and survival time is an hour in the water. Time is of the essence. They also do training classes with local kayak and sailing groups.
John will start collecting for SPARC families next week and also sign up anyone who wants to shop.
November 23 is the Tiny Tree Celebration, a fundraiser for the library. As a sponsor we get 4 tickets, please let Adam know if you are interested in attending. it is at maple Hall 4-7PM.
Santa Breakfast is Saturday 12/7. Set up is Friday night. Patsy is managing the kitchen and Lori the hall. Lori has a volunteer sign up sheet and needs additional help for clean up.
At our Nov. 4, 2024 meeting, Don Wolf shared a post from Michelle Krowl, a historian in the Library of Congress:
In the summer of 1864, President Lincoln understood that his chances of reelection in
November hinged on military success in a war now in its fourth year. The war effort seemed to
have stalled for the Union, and the public blamed President Lincoln. The political news for
Lincoln was no brighter, Republican insider Thurlow Weed told Lincoln in Mid-August 1864 that
“His re-election was an impossibility”. It was in this context that Abraham Lincoln wrote the
following memorandum on August 23, 1864:
This morning, as for some days past, it seems exceedingly probable that this Administration will
not be re-elected. Then it will be my duty to so cooperate with the President elect, as to save
the Union between the election and the inauguration; as he will have secured his election on
such ground that he cannot possibly save it afterwards - A. Lincoln.
Lincoln folded the memorandum and pasted it closed, so that the text inside could not be read.
He took it to a cabinet meeting and instructed the cabinet members to sign the outside of the
memo, sight unseen, which they did. Historians now refer to this document variously as the
“Blind Memo” or “Blind Memorandum” because the cabinet signed it “blind”. In so doing the
Lincoln administration pledged itself to accept the verdict of the people in November and to help
save the Union should Lincoln not be reelected.
Danya Wolf welcomed our Guests: Tate Ohl - MONA, a potential new member. She is
attending after receiving advice from her father, a Rotarian in the Tri-Cities. He told her joining
Rotary is a good way to get acquainted with the community she is now serving.
Alison Studley - Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group was also introduced as our speaker for
the evening. Below are notes from her presentation.
Audrey Gravley introduced Allison and shared her educational credentials: She has a BS in
Environmental Science and a Masters in Marine Affairs from the UW. She is the Director of the
non-profit, Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group, and a Skagit Valley Native.
The group’s mission is to restore and enhance the Skagit River ecosystem to provide a diverse
environment for not only Salmon, but all species that are part of a very vital and complex
network. Their priority is habitat restoration aas well as education of both adults and children.
SFEG collaborates with county, state and federal entities. They also join with other nonprofits,
local tribes and public schools. Grants, donations and memberships provide funding. They
have worked with the state dept. of Fish and Wildlife on state land that sometimes improves
access for people as well as the salmon.
The group solicits volunteers to help with restoration projects and education.
“The work we do is for anybody who appreciates clean water”. Alison described the Skagit as
“Magical and unique in the world”.
One-third of all water that drains into the Puget (15 rivers total) Sound comes from the Skagit.
Habitat diversity is varied and complex. Eagles and Swans have rebounded to a point that they
are no longer in decline, an indication that is hopeful for salmon recovery.
**The Skagit is the only river in the US with all five species of Salmon present. It has the
largest population of Chinook/Kings in the Puget Sound. Salmon are unique in that they
require both fresh and saltwater, starting in freshwater, migrating to salt then back to fresh. This
process requires healthy habitat throughout the system.
Alison highlighted several projects such as planting trees, restoring fish passage in small
streams to provide protection for the “fry and fingerlings”. Creating small channels with debris
for little fish to hide and grow big improves survival when they move to the salt water (work with
farmers to clear crossings, old culverts, etc.).
At Riverfront Park SFEG and volunteers removed a restrictive culvert, built a bridge tha
enhanced a public trail, planted trees and restored habitat (Burlington Rotary assisted with the
tree planting).
Coming up: Carpenter Creek Barrier culvert coordinated project located on Little Mtn in south
MV - there are a bunch of culverts, and the group is working with city, county and private
landowners for access and support.
SFEG plants about 40,000 trees a year along 61 miles of rivers, streams and shorelines.
The work with tribes for data collection, adult surveys, monitor vegetation, work with colleges for
internships, 128,000 community members reached. Salmon sightings: Nov. 23rd - near Lake
Samish, volunteers show visitors
Educating youth: Kids in Creeks and Stream Stewards are programs for older students who are
taught how to monitor water quality, take samples, and gather data. Salmon in the Schools (La
Conner participates) where classrooms are provided with salmon eggs and are able to watch
the process of hatching and early growth. This program is very engaging!
How Can You Help?
Volunteer, Donate, Sponsor an event,
Great Presentation!
A Thank You Note from the IPA Foundation - for recent donation $1,902 was shared with those
in attendance.
Audrey's Closing Remarks
“November is Rotary Foundation Month. WHAT IS A ROTARY FOUNDATION SUSTAINING
MEMBER: someone who contributes $100 or more each year to the Annual Fund. These
contributions count toward several different kinds of individual recognition as well as club
recognition banners.
“Volunteering is the very core of being human. No one has made it through life without
someone else’s help” Heather French Henry
At our October 7, 2024 Rotary Meeting.
The group discussed a proposal to add a fifth question to the Four-Way Test, focusing on environmental respect. This would be considered as an additional question rather than a replacement for current implicit fifth: “Is it fun”.
A land acknowledgment was made to honor the native peoples of the area.
Connie shared a tribute to Linda Jean Coyle, a past district governor, highlighting her contributions to Rotary and her community. Linda Jean was remembered for her strength, guidance, and inspiring spirit.
Terry introduced Sam Green, an honorary member of the club and a key figure in the Skagit River Poetry Foundation and Festival. The festival promotes literacy and poetry in schools, providing students with opportunities to engage with poetry and develop their own skills.
Sam Green spoke about the importance of unity and the role of Rotary in bringing people together despite differences. He shared his experiences working with students and emphasized the value of promoting literacy through poetry. Poetry is a literacy of the heart, one of the things that comes across over and over is how we give kids a chance to say something that they couldn't say in any other way. Suddenly they're talking to their parents in a way their parents hear. They're talking to their peers in a way that their peers finally hear. There are a few groups who feel less heard than kids, so giving them those tools is important. Poetry is just one way to do that.
Sam is a former Poet Laureate of the State.  He shared experiences traveling to small towns and schools across the state, often with vague directions. Despite challenges, the arts were thriving in every corner of the state, indicating a strong cultural presence. Artist Trust, an arts support organization in Seattle, commissioned the Sam to write a poem for a new sculpture. Initially hesitant, Sam accepted the commission for $1,000, dedicating three weeks to crafting the poem.
The poem, written in the form of an abecedarium, required each stanza to start with consecutive letters of the alphabet. It highlighted various Washington cities and places, emphasizing the local nature of art and its presence in everyday life. The poem celebrated the arts in diverse settings, from small towns to larger cities, and various forms of artistic expression. It underscored the importance of art in community life, education, and personal expression. The poem was donated to support the Skagit River Poetry Foundation, reflecting the speaker’s commitment to promoting literacy and poetry. The speaker read the poem, which included references to numerous towns and artistic activities, illustrating the widespread impact of the arts.
There are an awful lot of ways to contribute to the arts. Jerry and Kathy just opened their home to 4 poets for 2 weeks.  They not only opened their home, their refrigerator, their bedrooms, and, thank God, their liquor cabinet, but their hearts as well, and no one I know does that better than Jerry.  That is an exemplification of what happens here at Rotary. All those 4 rules they hold true, and Jerry knows how to make that 5th rule hold true, too.
October is Community and Economic Development Month for Rotary.
  • October 30th: After-school program event with pumpkin painting and hot dogs at 4 PM. Volunteers are needed for pumpkin procurement and hot dog preparation.
  • John Stuart Milner was recognized for achieving Paul Harris Fellow Plus 4, signifying significant contributions to the Rotary Foundation.
After last week’s discussion led by Dave Duskan about club’s goals, the president provided a PDF update on the goals, highlighting the importance of setting and achieving these goals for annual certification. The club has been successful in this area due to careful goal selection and a strong sense of identity and purpose.
These goals are selected and updated throughout the year, with input from the Rotary Foundation and Rotary International. The discussion focused on reviewing the club’s goals, which fall into categories such as participant engagement, increasing impact, expanding reach, and enhancing adaptability.
Goal Achievements:
  • Service Participation: 22 members participated in the auction, meeting the goal.
  • Leadership Development Participation: 3 members have participated in leadership training, with a goal of 5.
  • District Conference Attendance: Scheduled for later in the year, with expected strong attendance.
  • Use of Rotary Promotional Materials: The club adheres to Rotary standards in printed materials.
  • District Training Participation: 2 out of 3 members attended a recent training session, with more expected.
  • Annual Fund Contributions: $4,420 raised against a goal of $3,500.
  • Polio Plus Contributions: $1,450 raised towards a $3,500 goal since July 1st.
  • Service Projects: Just beginning for the rotary year.
  • Club Membership: 27 members, aiming for 29.
  • New Membership Sponsorship: 1 out of 2 achieved.
  • Rotaract Club Sponsorship: Ongoing support for the local Rotaract Club.
  • Media Coverage: At least 2 stories about club projects published, with a goal of 4.
  • Online Presence: Updates made to the website and social media.
The club has achieved 6 out of 15 goals so far.  Members were asked to provide feedback on questions from the district governor to help identify areas for improvement. The discussion highlighted the need for more social events within the club, noting that while there have been business-focused activities, social gatherings have been lacking. Upcoming events include a Christmas party and a potential Polio Plus dinner, with suggestions to be more proactive about organizing events on fifth Mondays. The conversation then shifted to increasing the club’s ability to adapt through innovation, relevance, awareness, and openness. Members were encouraged to provide feedback on a questionnaire shared by Dave, which aims to gather input on these areas.
Sam shared a personal story about his father, who developed Alzheimer’s in his late 60s. Despite the disease, the father could still remember and recite a poem they had learned together when Sam was a child. During a visit to the memory care center, Sam and his father recited the poem “The Cremation of Sam McGee” by Robert W. Service, alternating lines. This experience highlighted the power of poetic memory and its ability to connect people, even in the face of memory loss. The speaker cherished this as one of the happiest memories with their father, emphasizing the importance of shared memories and the emotional bonds they create.
Audrey’s closing remarks emphasized the importance of October as Polio Month, especially given the current global turbulence and increase in polio cases.
The club expressed gratitude to senior Rotary leaders, including PRIP Jennifer Jones, RI Polio Plus Committee Chair Mike McGovern, and others who successfully lobbied the Canadian government for a $151 million donation to the polio campaign.
World Polio Day is approaching, with a virtual focus session scheduled for October 24th at 12 PM Mountain Time (2 PM Eastern Time). The session will feature Trustee and PRIP Gordon McInally, Dr. Mark Joffe, Chief Medical Officer of Alberta, and RI Director Chris. Members were encouraged to register for the event.
Rotary is committed to raising $50 million annually for polio eradication through a partnership with the Gates Foundation, which matches every dollar 2 to 1. Rotary has contributed over $2.6 billion to fight polio, including matching funds from the Gates Foundation, and has dedicated countless hours to protecting children worldwide.
Members are urged to take action and raise awareness on World Polio Day and throughout the year by making a gift to the Polio Plus Fund at
The meeting concluded with a reminder that it’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving, quoting Mother Teresa.
We are a hands-on service club dedicated to improving lives locally and around the world. We do this by promoting and investing in literacy, public health and community service.  We are the club people want to join, because we have fun while making a difference.  Our La Conner Rotary Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization.  Our tax ID# is 26-2730981.  Learn More About Our Club
Please note that we meet most Mondays at The Farmhouse starting at 5:45pm.  Please check the speaker list and/or event schedule for changes to the venue for the Monday meeting.

Contact Us!
Mailing Address
PO Box 2111
La Conner, WA 98257
Email Address
click on the link to send us an email
Joe Bowen, Attorney
Jan 13, 2025
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Happy Martin Luther King Day
Jan 20, 2025
No Meeting - National Holiday
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ETTA Project in Bolivia
Caroline (Carrie) Omdal
Feb 10, 2025
Skagit Symphony
Happy Presidents' Day
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Fundraising Team
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Fifth Monday
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African Trip
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Apr 14, 2025
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TBD Speaker - Happy Cinco de Mayo!
May 05, 2025
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TBD Speaker
May 12, 2025
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Boards and Committee Chairs
May 19, 2025
All Member Hybrid Meeting
No Meeting - Happy Memorial Day
May 26, 2025
National Holiday
TBD Speaker
Jun 02, 2025
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TBD Speaker
Jun 09, 2025
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Boards and Committee Chairs
Jun 16, 2025
All Member Hybrid Meeting
TBD Speaker
Jun 23, 2025
All Member Hybrid Meeting
TBD - Fifth Monday!
Jun 30, 2025
All Member Meeting
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Vice President
Past President
Club Services
Community Services
International Projects
Vocational Services
Youth Services
Club Foundation Vice President
Public Relations
Club Foundation President