It is hard to believe that another month has whizzed by.  Our program this week was Lee Harmon from the Arlington club.  Lee explained about the work of the Rotary International Foundation and the bequest information.  We thank Barney for bringing us this program.

Don't forget to sell Smelt Derby tickets.  This year it is very important to sign your tickets out and then sign in the unsold tickets and the money.  The Washington State Gambling Commission is cracking down on raffle tickets sold to the public.  We continue to need to have people visit other clubs and get the Smelt Derby word out and the tickets sold.

A huge thank you to Danielle for planning a Membership event this week!!!!!  We had five prospective people attend (we were expecting 14), but it is a good start.  Danielle did an excellent job of explaining what Rotary is and how to become a member.  Thank you also to our club members that came to show their passion for the work of Rotary.

Next week is a very important club assembly.  We will look at the ideas that were shared in the fall and how we can become a bigger, bolder and better club!!!!  This is your Rotary club and we really need your input !!!   Please come!!!

Our Duties for next week are: Greeter:  Lee Carlson    Raffle: Dee Carlson

Inspiration: Connie      Sergeant:  Don Bakken